"IPH Early Achiver" Show Your Sense of Wonder Kids!

After a successful completion of IPH Forever Cool Kids Virtual Run 2021, we are now back with a photo contest to celebrate wonderous journey of our baby and kids.
IPH Early Achiever
Baby and Kids Photo Contest
10-24 February 2021
Theme: Curious Me
Objectives of the contest are as follows:
1. To explore and celebrate baby and kids' (PG-KG Age Group) curiosity by having their sensory journey
documented and told
2. To instill the inquiry-based learning to our baby and kids to encourage sense of wonder all through their sensory
3. To train critical thinking to our baby from early childhood so that their problem-solving skill is well developed.
We are honored to announce the judges for the Contest:
1. Shelvy Meilinda @jaimeandjaimie
2. Evelyn Pratiwi Yusuf @geekgalz @0201family
3. Sutanto Harsono @nsisurabaya
Participate and WIN Total Prizes of IDR 5 Million in our Baby and Kids Photo Contest, IPH EARLY ACHIEVERS
Please refer to the Contest Mechanism to learn on how to participate and how we run the judging process.
Start uploading, may the Curious ones win!
Contest Mechanism:
1. Follow Instagram @iphschools
2. Shoot the Candidate's picture. It can also be a picture with parents. The picture needs to show the Candidate is
doing an activity representing and expressing 'Sense of Wonder'. Expression needs to be as natural as possible
while the Candidate is exploring their curiosity
3. The tools to take the picture can be a smartphone or camera with minimum quality specification of 1 MP
4. Only minimal editing is allowed
5. The picture should be new (it represents the Candidate's current age)
6. Although there's no such dress code / outfit theme for this contest, the outfit worn in the picture needs to be
proper and decent (wearing an outfit is a must)
7. Upload the Picture in your Instagram account (account must be SET TO PUBLIC. NOT PRIVATE) then Mention and
Tag @IPHSchools and put these hashtags in the caption:
Baby Category #IPHEarlyAchiever and #IPHPowerfulAchiever
Kids Category: #IPHEarlyAchiever and #IPHWonderfulAchiever
8. The post needs to have a CAPTION describing what the Candidate is doing in the picture
9. Candidate is free to choose location for the picture
10. Submitted pictures and story needs to be original (not the property and/or creation of somebody else) and have
not been submitted to other contests
11. Candidate can submit more than 1 (one) pictures only if the pictures are different and the posting/ upload is
only using 1 Instagram account
By uploading pictures and tagging them to:
@iphschools as submission to this contest, candidates are consciously submitting the rights of previously mentioned pictures and stories to the organizer and such submissions are irrevocable, hence giving the rights to the organizer to upload the pictures and stories for internal or commercial use.
Judging Mechanism
The judging process will be conducted internally by the organizer
The judging period will be on 25-26 February 2021
The results will be final and the organizer holds the full right of the decision.
Winners are decided based on judging criteria with these notes:
- Winner(s) is the direct owner of the Instagram account used to upload the Candidate's pictures (to conclude: winner and candidate are the same person); or winner(s) is another person whose Instagram account is used to upload the Candidate's pictures with her or his permission (to conclude: winner and candidate are different person)
- In the case whereby 1 (one) Instagram account uploads more than 1 (one) Candidates, then the Parents need to show proofs that those children uploaded in their Instagram account are theirs (by showing Kartu Keluarga)
- If Candidate is submitting more than 1 (one) pictures and all of those are of their own children (proven by KK sent by parents), and the story is qualified to win the contest, But the organizer only chooses 1 (one) baby/ kid as winner
- Candidate who submits more than 1 (one) pictures can only win 1 best picture
- The organizer has full right to check and/or reject and /or cancel the prize awarding should there be any violations and/or misconducts in any forms to this terms and conditions.
Judging Criteria
- Showing expression “sense of wonder”
- Natural expression
- Photo composition
- Minimal editing
Winners Category
(For each Age Group):
3 Winners (1, 2, 3)
3 Runner Ups (Runner Up 1, 2, 3)
2 Most Favorite Winners based on frequency of likes in the parents' Instagram account
(as long as it complies to the previously mentioned terms and conditions)
Prizes to win
1st Winner: FREE tuition fee for the first month, Academic Year 2021/2022
2nd Winner: 50% off tuition fee for the first month, Academic Year 2021/2022
3rd Winner: 25% off tuition fee for the first month, Academic Year 2021/2022
1st, 2nd and 3rd Runner Ups: 10% off tuition fee for the first month, Academic Year 2021/2022
Winners and Runner Ups will receive:
Trophy, E-Certificate, Education Toys, Merchandise package from IPH & Sponsors
Most Favorite Winners will receive:
E-Certificate, Voucher and Merchandise from IPH & Sponsor
Prize Mechanism
Distribution of prize will be announced in due course by the organizer
The prize cannot be returned and/ or exchanged to cash money and/ or exchanged to any other forms of gift whatsoever.
More Info
Ms. Kimmy 0813 8141 1311